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Latest news and updates on the happenings of TP Team Squash.
Training Hours
Men's Main Team: Tuesdays 7-9pm Women's Main Team: Thursdays 7-9pm Freshman Team: Mondays/Wednesdays 7-9pm Ladder
Mens (Main) 1. Jia Peng 2. Amos 3. Hoe Pang 4. Bernard 5. Nasir 6. Sean Tan 7. Shaun Cheang 8. Daryl Seet 9. Justin Pragash 10. Marcus Lim 11. Tony Chee Ladies (Main) 1. Hui Si 2. Jerene 3. Shi Bei 4. Ezati 5. Cheryl Lim 6. Yeo Fu Xi Mens (Club) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ladies (Club) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
THE BIRTH OF TP SQUASH BLOG.... alrite guys.. this is TP Squash first blog!this blog is created because blog allows announcements, and interactions to the readers for all. =). this is my(keith) first time blogging, it will be a little lousy on the post, but there will be more bloggers blogging in soon. =) to make this blog "alive", the previous squash forum is somehow "killed", and all attention is to be on the comments and blog post.so all guys, start commenting! will try to post interesting stuffs about our trainings and all for ya guys =).. keep a lookout for this blog.keith.