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Mens (Main) 1. Jia Peng 2. Amos 3. Hoe Pang 4. Bernard 5. Nasir 6. Sean Tan 7. Shaun Cheang 8. Daryl Seet 9. Justin Pragash 10. Marcus Lim 11. Tony Chee Ladies (Main) 1. Hui Si 2. Jerene 3. Shi Bei 4. Ezati 5. Cheryl Lim 6. Yeo Fu Xi Mens (Club) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ladies (Club) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
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Friday, October 12, 2007
its sad to see so many of the Y2 din make it to the chalet. Will NOT sound depress in here. while i think the rest had their fun. day1: me, gdine, gid, and brandon met at eastpoint to buy BBQ stuffs. I brought them to the sports shop to buy grips and stuffs, then, we came upon the free massage thingy there.. saw a person there restinggg.. den gid tried to be funny. ![]() ![]() ISNT THAT IDIOTIC!!! HAHAH.... referring to gid! OK.. we then cabbed there waited waited and waitedddd for poeple to comee.. set up the pit, had our fill while waitingggg... realli is.. fill... we are already bloated till they came. My eye and brandon's butt POWER! HAHA looks realli good rite? it taste jus like it looks! haha.. believe me.. Then, the juniors start coming in.. played games, pictionery and uno stacko and had food.. featuringgggg 2 hungry monkeys... nowww, comes the seniorsss.. take a look at elaine.. ahhaha.. totally another person.. PLAYED POKER, majong and all in the night... and gid is the ASSHOLE!!!! lol.. ok.. tts randommm.. its about 4 plus and everyone is hungry from all the fun and screams and all.. therefore solution issss.... day 2: we forgot to cut the watermelon and honeydew the first night..... so we cut on the second day... we got a recipie by hong tuan.. sayinggg.. put the watermelon in the freezer and den eat when there are crusts of ice on the small pieces of watermelon... it turn outt... quite hard in the inside.. i think its cos we put inside for too long.. the inside of the watermelon is also froxen =X.. cutting melons!!!! brandon onli cut the melon on to half.. the rest are cut by gdine! lol.. june came over after her camp.. ZAI MAN... hahaha... the second night was alriteee.. although quite a few left and din come back.. we still got a few loyal y1's staying back.. calvin, kleon, elaine and brandon!!! haha.. we had a very healthy dinner... subway with june, den its slacking time and the time to visit pretty "ladies"... let me tell u.. thet are realllllllY hot.. omg.. reali.. next time i own a car.. will CFM go over to see them us like what some did that night.. hahaha.. those in the car are like.. omg.. ahha.. guys-being-excited-super-excited-seeing-"ladies"... I GOTTA SAY.. they are reallllllYYYY hoottttt.. haha.. some are not but.. majority of those we saw are reali hooottttt...lol.. june, sad that u went back early, cos u wanted to see the "ladies" but missed it.. hahaa... RANDOM PICTURES(not in any order): here comes the LAO ZHA BORSSS(quoted from weijie)... candid shot for kleonnn.. wow.. i think its the first won by elaine... whaaha look... elaine is sleepingg.. prob hazel is taking too long to pick out a brick of uno stacko? SCANDAL?!?!?!! coach stresseddd?!?!! jue's afraid.. of i dunno whattt... elaine looks worrieddd =X ok.. hazel is STEAMING HOTTTTT...lol... candid violent shottt... i can't drawwwwwww ='(