Mens (Main) 1. Jia Peng
2. Amos
3. Hoe Pang
4. Bernard
5. Nasir
6. Sean Tan
7. Shaun Cheang
8. Daryl Seet
9. Justin Pragash
10. Marcus Lim
11. Tony Chee
Ladies (Main) 1. Hui Si
2. Jerene
3. Shi Bei
4. Ezati
5. Cheryl Lim
6. Yeo Fu Xi
Remember the rules and stuff we came out with together? Well, here they are..
Attendance ·One is considered late if he/she is not:
Dressed and ready by 6pm
At the courts half an hour after class ends
·One person late: Latecomer does 50 push-ups and mops both courts.
·Four people late: All present to do court runs and push ups! Latecomers clean the courts (mop floor and wipe glass)
·A person absent more than 3 times consecutively: Physical training from hell!
·Always notify the main committee personally if you are not coming down for training and provide valid reasons.
Fund Collection ·Everyone is to contribute $2 a month to the Squash fund. Contribution should be made to the Treasurer (Morgan) within the first week of the month.
General ·No eating during training. Meals should be taken before or after training. Sweets are allowed.
·Official Training hours:
6pm to 8pm (Freshmen)
6pm to 9pm (Seniors and Juniors)
·For every service out: 20 cents to the Squash fund. (as of 4th June 2009) Pay to the Treasurer at the end of the game.
·Everyone is to check the blog on a daily basis as it is the main communication portal. (Just like ole)