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Latest news and updates on the happenings of TP Team Squash.
Training Hours
Men's Main Team: Tuesdays 7-9pm Women's Main Team: Thursdays 7-9pm Freshman Team: Mondays/Wednesdays 7-9pm Ladder
Mens (Main) 1. Jia Peng 2. Amos 3. Hoe Pang 4. Bernard 5. Nasir 6. Sean Tan 7. Shaun Cheang 8. Daryl Seet 9. Justin Pragash 10. Marcus Lim 11. Tony Chee Ladies (Main) 1. Hui Si 2. Jerene 3. Shi Bei 4. Ezati 5. Cheryl Lim 6. Yeo Fu Xi Mens (Club) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ladies (Club) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010
My aplologies for my recent absence. I do hope however that despite me not being there, that you are able to commit yourselves to the training regime. I forsee that I will be unavailable until June 2010, but I will post instructions for your sessions here for the benefit of everyone. I am placing Morgan and Hui Ling fully responsible for relaying these instructions to all in the training squad. For those of you who have chosen not to show up, please do not have high expectations of your performance during tournaments. As I have often re-iterated, if you do not put in the effort, you WILL be let down. Routine A (every Monday): 5 X 21 (last 2 being as fast as you can) 5 X 5 pull ups (men), 5 X 1 pull ups (ladies) 5 X 10 dips (men), 5 X 5 dips (ladies) stroke practice Wrist control exercise (stand close to wall and hit repeatedly) 3 mins forehand, 3 mins backhand, 3 mins forehand volley, 3 mins backhand volley (repeat 1 X) 2 person practice 3 mins Forehand rallies 3 mins Backhand rallies (repeat 1 X) 2 person practice 3 mins forehand lob serve and straight return 3 mins backhand lob serve and straight return (repeat 1 X) closing physical 3 X zig zag run in between completing the following: 60 pushups 120 scissors 120 crunches 200 squats Routine B (every Thursday): same as routine A, except closing physical do agility exercises 5 X 1 min 4 quadrant two-leg jumps 5 X 1 min stepups 5 X 1 min 4 position stretch (on court) All days, do warm down stretches before heading off. z.