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Latest news and updates on the happenings of TP Team Squash.
Training Hours
Men's Main Team: Tuesdays 7-9pm Women's Main Team: Thursdays 7-9pm Freshman Team: Mondays/Wednesdays 7-9pm Ladder
Mens (Main) 1. Jia Peng 2. Amos 3. Hoe Pang 4. Bernard 5. Nasir 6. Sean Tan 7. Shaun Cheang 8. Daryl Seet 9. Justin Pragash 10. Marcus Lim 11. Tony Chee Ladies (Main) 1. Hui Si 2. Jerene 3. Shi Bei 4. Ezati 5. Cheryl Lim 6. Yeo Fu Xi Mens (Club) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ladies (Club) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
alritee.. today's trainign is a BITTT differentt.. we had our games firsttt dennnnnn come the PHYSICAL... haha.. that is to wait for those late comers to all reach before physical starts =).. i hoope this is a good practice... the blue words are actually tired.. haha. that pair of legs is tired... i see that there is a huge gap between the standards for the girls and the guys.. i am thinkinggggggggg... of having a different day for training for the different sexes... it is to conentrate on improving more on both sides.. so as the guys no need to keep waiting for us to naggg at the girls to correct their strokes.. how about that??? please for those who is reading.. please post ur comments in the comment link.. NOT the tagbox!!! ohh.. weijie's new way of making his grip... advertisement: high performance gripping style by weijie =S