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Latest news and updates on the happenings of TP Team Squash.
Training Hours
Men's Main Team: Tuesdays 7-9pm Women's Main Team: Thursdays 7-9pm Freshman Team: Mondays/Wednesdays 7-9pm Ladder
Mens (Main) 1. Jia Peng 2. Amos 3. Hoe Pang 4. Bernard 5. Nasir 6. Sean Tan 7. Shaun Cheang 8. Daryl Seet 9. Justin Pragash 10. Marcus Lim 11. Tony Chee Ladies (Main) 1. Hui Si 2. Jerene 3. Shi Bei 4. Ezati 5. Cheryl Lim 6. Yeo Fu Xi Mens (Club) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ladies (Club) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
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Thursday, December 06, 2007
Still, poor thing. Training was as usual, nothing really out of the norm happened. Trained, played games, yadda yadda. Nothing significant happened that is worth mentioning anyway, except the part where the bird flies into the glass (PWNED!); which was just weird. Anyway, the term tests are around the corner (actually no, they are right smack in your face). So.. study? Try to la anyway. Endure! Persevere! Whatever! The end of the tests would come anyway, so might as well do well for it. (: I know large chunks of text would just make you guys too lazy to read it (ASS.), thus ends update. STUDY LUH. -shavonne