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Training Hours
Men's Main Team: Tuesdays 7-9pm Women's Main Team: Thursdays 7-9pm Freshman Team: Mondays/Wednesdays 7-9pm Ladder
Mens (Main) 1. Jia Peng 2. Amos 3. Hoe Pang 4. Bernard 5. Nasir 6. Sean Tan 7. Shaun Cheang 8. Daryl Seet 9. Justin Pragash 10. Marcus Lim 11. Tony Chee Ladies (Main) 1. Hui Si 2. Jerene 3. Shi Bei 4. Ezati 5. Cheryl Lim 6. Yeo Fu Xi Mens (Club) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ladies (Club) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
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Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Our looks-so-good-but-not-so-good lunch, albeit accompanied by some very lovely chendol. The mee goreng was way better! Sadly no photos of us playing paint ball in the jungle, where Keith was the biggest loser! Muahaha! After which is bonding games! First up, tug of war. Team 1: Calvin, Brandon, Talita, Fang Lu and Kleon Team 2: Keith, Wei Kang, Georgina, Shavonne and Elaine Victory belongs to Team 2! Then its the caterpillar race. Hehe. Its a piece of cake for girls. "I want big boobs!" says Keith. lol! Kleon - "Haha. Hehe. Wahahaha." Wei Kang - "... Whatever." Its eagles and chicks game. Must.Poke.Balloons. Look at Keith again! Its the ridiculously funny facial expression after he was cut off from the front of the body. Everyone laughed to the point where the game had to stop. Racing to poke balloons, often end up running in circles. Then Kleon's long long hand reached over, Wei Kang's hand not as long couldn't poke Calvin's balloon as Kleon poked Shavonne's. Poof goes Team 2's victory. Yay! We love each other so much we held hands :) Go Team Squash! In the end we had to fix the funny puzzle - Team 2 lost horribly and needed Team 1 to help solve it. End of all games. Debriefed a little, hang around a little then took group photos! Night activities includes playing bridge etc and of course, the spectacular massage where Keith (again!) is involved. Ahem, extra service anyone? See what a relaxing trip that was. Even mohawked monkey is lounging against the fence. That puny puny spec belongs to one of the parasailers taken from shore. Before the end of our 3 days Batam trip, its shoping, feasting on donuts at J.Co which is DELICIOUS and can be found at basement of Raffles City - must must must go! & a treat from Aunty Ivy at Pizzahut. -Elaine :)